The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires the analysis of the impact of federally funded projects on the environment and vice versa. This requirement pertains to programs funded through the federal Continuum of Care (CoC) homeless assistance program including units secured through rental assistance and housing projects that receive leasing or project-based assistance. The purpose of the analysis, known as an environmental review (ER), is to ensure that HUD-funded projects provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing as well as demonstrate compliance with up to 17 federal environmental laws and authorities.
The Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care coordinates with jurisdictional leads to conduct environmental reviews in Clark County. Providers are required to collect required information and documentation and submit to the correct jurisdiction for approval. Instructions on how to complete and ER, documents providers are required to submit and information on where to send complete ER Packets can be found below.
CoC Environment Review Training Slides
CoC Environmental Review Instructions
CoC Environmental Review Request Form