Property Service Requests for LEAPS

See links below

Rent Reasonableness

Rent Reasonableness is used to determine that HUD is not paying more than the unit is worth when compared to other units of similar age, location, size and amenities. It is also used to determine that HUD is not paying more for this unit than non-program tenants are being charged. When gross rent exceeds FMR (if a program allows), it shows that the unit is set at a fair price. It also shows that the unit is at a fair price if the gross rent is below FMR.

Initial/Annual Inspection

LEAPS has trained and certified Housing Navigators that can serve all CoC, OH! And CCSS funded programs with their initial and annual inspections.

Find a Unit

Are you or your client struggling to find a unit that meets your client’s needs? Let LEAPS help you in that search. We can assist providers from the CoC, OH! And CCSS funded programs.

Operation HOME! is a community-wide effort to quickly and permanently house members of the Southern Nevada community who are in need of a home.
Our community is investing resources to get and keep tenants housed. Financial assistance, tenant case management and landlord support is available to make this happen.

Help find homes for 2,022 unhoused individuals by the end of 2022.

In Southern Nevada, we need more affordable rental units to help people in our community become financially independent and thrive. Our community needs more studio, 1 and 2 bedroom rentals as well as bigger units.

Learn More about becoming a property partner

Additional Resources

Housing Models Needed

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