Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care Board Meeting

This is a monthly meeting of the Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care Board, which convenes on the 2nd Thursdays at 2:00pm.  Meetings will continue to be virtual until further notice.  January is intended to include business items for deliberation of the entire CoC, including updated board membership.   Pursuant to open meeting law, a quorum […]

2023 Deliberation Day for CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity

United Way of Southern Nevada 5830 W. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Scoring and Ranking Team will be presenting their list of recommended projects for the 2023 CoC NOFO.  Projects will be notified of their status by the end of the […]

The Data and Systems Improvement Working Group

Given the Labor Day Holiday, the September 2023 meeting for the Data and Systems Improvement Working Group will meet on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 8:30am -10:30am.  All following meetings […]