NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Southern Nevada Homelessness
Continuum of Care Membership (SNHCoC) will be held at 10:00 a.m. on March 14, 2024 at
the Pearson Community Center (1625 W Carey Ave, North Las Vegas, NV 89032) to
consider the following:

  1. Welcome and Attendance – Brenda Barnes (CoC Collaborative Applicant, CoC Director)
  2. Announce CoC Board Members– Brenda Barnes
  3. CoC Core Function Committee Creation- Brenda Barnes
    a. CoC Core Function Committee Criteria & Nomination Process- for possible action
    b. Review of timeline and committee descriptions
  4. Point in Time Count Update – PJ (CoC Collaborative Applicant Staff)
  5. System Performance Measure Report – Brenda Barnes
  6. Coordinated Entry Improvement Process Update – Tanesha Travis (Coordinated Entry
  7. Discussion: What Good CoC Communication Looks Like – Brenda Barnes
    a. What would the membership like to see at these quarterly meetings?
    b. What type of information would feel useful in between meetings?
    c. Day/Time for Quarterly Membership meetings: in-person/virtual or alternate?
  8. Calendar and Community Announcements – All