Training Opportunities

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Mainstream Program Basic Training (MPBT)

What are mainstream services? Mainstream services are primarily government funded programs that provide services, housing and/or income supports to poor persons, whether homeless or not. They include programs providing welfare, health care, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, veterans assistance, housing subsidies and employment services.

What is Mainstream Program Basic Training (MPBT)? MPBT is a collection of workshops geared toward social workers, case managers and the public to educate/inform the community about mainstream services available for low-income or homeless individuals and families in Southern Nevada.

Workshops are free and offered monthly by Clark County Social Service. Social Work CEUs are provided.

Each session brings together representatives from mainstream services related to a particular topic. Examples of topics are employment and supportive services, youth services, substance abuse, mental health and domestic violence.

As of March 2020, MPBT is cancelled until further notice.

SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR)

SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a program designed to increase access to SSI/SSDI for eligible adults who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.

Click here for more information about SOAR.

In order to submit SOAR applications in Nevada, all service providers must have completed both parts of SOAR training, thereby obtaining SOAR Certification, unless grandfathered in by demonstrating completion of the two-day training curriculum.


SOAR certification is completed in two parts:

  1. Part I is the online course, which simulates a case scenario where trainees participate in interviews, review documentation and submit forms and written material for review and feedback.
  2. Part II is our SOAR Review Training, which is a 6-hour live course provided by the Nevada SOAR team. This training covers the critical components to providing effective SOAR services, as well as addresses important Nevada-specific processes for submitting SOAR claims within the state.

NV SOAR Practice:

In order to submit SOAR applications in Nevada, all service providers must have completed both parts of SOAR training, thereby obtaining SOAR Certification.

SOAR certified practitioners must meet the following criteria:

  1. Providers will not use the Nevada SOAR process for clients who do not meet SOAR criteria: homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  2. Providers will not collect fees for services rendered using the SOAR process.
  3. Providers will participate in follow up training, and are encouraged to submit redacted copies of MSRs for quality review.
  4. Providers must submit SOAR outcomes through the outlined process provided during the SOAR Review Training.

Click here for additional information about SOAR