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Nevada 211 Team huddle

Resource Guide

The Homeless Resource Guide is a valuable resource providing the names and contact information for community resources such as shelters, food & meals, Veterans Resources, Youth and Young Adult Services, and more.


Nevada 211, a program of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and administered by Money Management International (MMI), is committed to helping Nevadans connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from state and local health and human services programs.

Find Your Perfect Home: Housing Search Assistance

The Nevada Housing Division (NHD), established in 1975, addresses the need for affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents. In September 2014, NHD launched, which lists over 44,000 rental units statewide.

Sponsored by NHD and supported by an advisory committee, is managed by Emphasys Software and supported by The site offers 24/7 online access, live help in English and Spanish (6:00 am – 5:00 pm PDT, Monday through Friday), and features real-time listings, a rent checklist, an affordability calculator, and additional resources.

More Community Resources

If you are at-risk or currently experiencing homeless, Southern Nevada’s Coordinated Entry system may help you to find housing that best meet your needs. You do not have to go through Coordinated Entry to get help from emergency shelters. You can go to any of the Clark County Social Service offices between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Please see the Coordinated-Entry Flyer for access points.

Pinto Office
1600 Pinto Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
(702) 455-4270
Community Resource Center
2432 North Martin Luther King Boulevard, #D
Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 455-4270
Cambridge Annex
3885 South Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 455-4270
1291 W. Galleria Drive #170
Henderson, NV 89014
(702) 455-4270

Click Here for a map of locations for Clark County Social Service Coordinated Entry sites.

Other Sites for Adults without Children

Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
1511 North Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 387-2282
City of Las Vegas Courtyard
1401 Las Vegas Blvd North
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 229-6117
Family Sites
Family Promise of Las Vegas
1410 Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 638-8806
HELP of Southern Nevada
1640 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 369-4357
HopeLink of Southern Nevada
178 Westminster Way
Henderson, NV 89015
(702) 566-0576
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
4323 Boulder Highway
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(702) 639-1730
The Salvation Army
2900 Palomino Ln
Las Vegas, NV 89107
(702) 649-8240
Youth Sites (all are for ages 18-24 unless noted)

Youth under the age of 18 are eligible for free transportation to a youth access site through the Safe Place Program: 1-866-U-ARE-SAFE (1-866-827-3723)

HELP of Southern Nevada
1650 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 526-4990
St. Jude’s Ranch – New Crossings
2685 South Rainbow Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89146
(702) 436-1624 x224
St. Jude’s Ranch – Crossings
5005 McLeod Drive, Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89120
(702) 998-1992 x524 or 521
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth (under 18)
4981 Shirley Street
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 383-1332

What happens when you go to a Coordinated Entry Site?

  1. You will be asked to complete a short triage assessment to see if you are experiencing a crisis. If you are, immediate assistance or referrals will be provided.
  2. The triage assessment will determine the housing assessment to be completed based upon your household type. The housing assessment determines the type of housing that is most appropriate for you. Sometimes assessments show that a person might not be qualified for housing. If that happens, the worker will refer you to other community resources that you might need.
  3. If you do qualify for housing, you might not be matched or referred right away. You will be placed on a waiting list called the “Community Queue” and matched to housing services in the community when a space becomes available.
  4. It is important that you stay in touch with the worker while you are waiting to get updates so the worker knows you are still interested. If you do not stay in touch with the worker, you could lose your place on the waiting list.

Veterans Site

If you are a veteran, you can go to the Community Resources and Referral Center which is the Coordinated Intake HUB for all veterans who are homeless or may become homeless. Walk-in business hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 4:00 pm

Veterans Administration
Community Resource and Referral Center at VA Northeast Primary Care Clinic
4461 East Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 791-9077
(Ask for “homeless programs”)
Child Abuse Hotline
(702) 399-0081
Crisis Call Center
(775) 784-8090 or (800) 273-8255 (TALK)
or text “answer” to 839863
Elder Protective Services
(702) 486-6930 – Las Vegas/Clark County
(888) 729-0571 – Statewide/All other areas
National Runaway Safeline (for youth in crisis)
(800) 786-2929
or text “safe” and current location to 69866
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255 (TALK)
Problem Gamblers Helpline
Rape Crisis Center
(702) 366-1640
Safe House (Domestic Violence)
(702) 564-3227
Safe Nest/TADC (Domestic Violence)
(702) 646-4981 or (800) 486-7282
Safe Place Hotline for Youth
866-U-ARE-SAFE (866) 827-3723
or go to any CAT Buses, Terrible Herbst, LV Fire Department location for help
Street Teens Hotline
(702) 809-3585
Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth in crisis, Under 25)
(866) 488-7386
Veterans Crisis Line
(800) 273-8255 (TALK), Press 1
or text to 838255
HELP Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCIT)
(702) 813-7273
Metro Help Team
(702) 828-3822
Metro Homeless Liaison
(702) 828-1556
Nevada Health Centers
(702) 307-4635
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
(702) 383-1332
Southern Nevada Health District (HIV Team)
(702) 759-0702
(702) 486-6000
Straight From the Streets
(702) 496-6087
Salvation Army – Community Response
(702) 657-0123 x10
Street Teens
(702) 215-4171
Catholic Charities
1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas (near Foremaster Lane)
Serves men
Day shelter: daily 7:00 am-3:00 pm
(702) 215-4727
Night shelter: nightly 7:00 pm-7:00 am, check-in 6:00 pm
(702) 387-2282
Courtyard Homeless Resource Center
314 Foremaster Lane
(702) 229-6117
Family Promise
1410 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 638-8806
Serves families with children
Call first for intake
Open daily 8:00 am-4:00 pm
178 Westminster Way, Henderson
(702) 566-0576
Serves families, single fathers with female children, transgender, disabled or infirm
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 W. Bonanza, Las Vegas (near “D” Street)
(702) 382-1766
Serves adults, families with children
7 night stay
The Salvation Army
35 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (West of Main)
(702) 701-5369
Serves adults
30 day stay, day shelter available, random breathalyzer, free dorm/shelter or $15/night for bed
Night shelter line starts at 5:00 pm, opens at 5:30 pm
The Shade Tree
1 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (at Main)
(702) 385-0072
Serves women and children, and their pets

There are not enough shelters to house all of the homeless population during the extreme temperatures or weather conditions in the summer and winter months. Southern Nevada offers Warming and Cooling Stations to provide homeless individuals and families places to get fresh water and respite from unbearable heat or cold. The stations are not open every day. The National Weather Service, in partnership with the Clark County Coroner and Clark County Social Service, has developed a graduated heat index which defines when people are the most vulnerable. When the weather reaches these “Extreme Weather” thresholds, protocols require the opening of Cooling Stations or Warming Stations.

Due to an excessive heat warning administered by the National Weather Service, cooling stations are activated Monday-Thursday, September 30-October 3, 2024. Please see English and Spanish fliers for locations. 

If you are a first responder or participate in homeless street outreach, please share this information with those you encounter who may benefit from this service. Thank you all for your cooperation and partnership.

Catholic Charities
1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas (near Foremaster Lane)
Serves men
Daily through day shelter 7:00 am-3:00 pm
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 West Bonanza, Las Vegas
(702) 382-1766
Daily 1:00-2:00 pm
Clean the World
Mobile hygiene Please click here for link supporting location days and times.
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 West Bonanza, Las Vegas (near “D” Street)
Free meals: daily at 5:00 pm
Catholic Charities
1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas (near Foremaster Lane)
(702) 215-4727
Free meals: daily at 10:00 am
EBT/cash meals ($5.00 each): Monday-Friday 12:00 pm-2:00 pm
The Salvation Army
35 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (west of Main)
Free meals: Daily from 1:30 pm-2:30 pm
EBT/cash meals ($4.00 each): daily 8:00 am – 9:00 am & 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm
Grace City
6360 S Pecos Rd, Las Vegas
Free meals: Tuesday – Friday 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
St. Timothy’s Church
43 West Pacific Avenue, Henderson
Free meals: Monday – Friday at 4:30 pm; Saturday at 11:30 am
City Mission of Las Vegas
3983 E. Desert Inn, Las Vegas
Tuesday – Saturday 7:30am

For a complete listing of Hot Meals and Food Pantries in Southern Nevada, visit: Three Square

Casa de Luz
2412 Tam Drive, Las Vegas
(702) 684-5866
Food distribution: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 10:30 am – 2:00 pm
Catholic Charities
1501 North Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas (near Foremaster Lane)
(702) 387-2282
Food distribution: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 West Bonanza, Las Vegas (near “D” Street)
(702) 382-1766
Food distribution: daily 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Las Vegas Urban League
6480 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas
(702) 476-3561
WIC nutrition program for families with children under age 5
Las Vegas Urban League
3320 East Flamingo Road, #52, Las Vegas
(702) 476-9561
WIC nutrition program for with children under age 5
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
4323 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas
(702) 639-1730
Food distribution: Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Serves the first 40 households
Must have 2 forms of ID for each household member
Second Baptist Church
500 West Madison, Las Vegas
(702) 648-6155
Food distribution: Tuesday 9:00 am – 11:00 am; Wednesday 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Must have Nevada ID
St. Therese Center
(702) 564-4224
For people with HIV/AIDS

For a complete listing of Hot Meals and Food Pantries in Southern Nevada, visit: Three Square

CARE Complex
200 Foremaster Lane, Las Vegas
M: 9a-11a, Tu: 4p-6p, W: 9a-1p
Th: 11a-1p, F: 9a-11a, Sa: 11a-1p
Las Vegas Urban League
3575 W. Cheyenne #101, Las Vegas
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
4323 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas
(702) 639-1730


Family Promise
1410 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 638-8806
Call first for intake
Serves families
178 Westminster Way, Henderson
(702) 566-0576
Serves families, single fathers with female children, transgender, disabled or infirm
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 West Bonanza, Las Vegas (near “D” Street)
(702) 382-1766
Serves adults, families with children
The Shade Tree
1 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (at Main)
(702) 385-0072
Serves women & children

Housing & Supportive Services

Family Promise
1410 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 638-8806
Permanent housing for disabled adults with children
HopeLink Family Resource Center
178 Westminster Way, Henderson
(702) 566-0576
Serves families in Henderson, Boulder City, and Las Vegas (89122, 89123, 89183 only)
Las Vegas Urban League
2470 North Decatur Boulevard, #150, Las Vegas
(702) 473-9400
Childcare assistance
Las Vegas Urban League
6480 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas
(702) 476-3561
WIC nutrition program for families with children under age 5
Las Vegas Urban League
3320 East Flamingo Road, #52, Las Vegas
(702) 476 9561
WIC nutrition program for families with children under age 5

Senior Services

Aging & Disability Resources Center
(702) 486-3545
Clark County Senior Advocate Program
(702) 455-7051
Elder Protective Services
(702) 486-6930 – Las Vegas/Clark County
(888) 729-0571 – Statewide/all other areas
Meals on Wheels
(702) 385-5284
VA Las Vegas Vet Center
1919 South Jones, Las Vegas
(702) 251-7873
VA Regional Office
(800) 827-1000
Coordinated Intake
Veterans Administration
Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) at Northeast Primary Clinic
4461 East Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 791-9050
Open Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 2:30 pm, Wednesday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm.  Walk-ins only, so arrive as early as possible and ask for the Community Resource & Referral Center “Expert of the Day”.
Veterans Crisis Line
(800) 273-8255 (TALK), Press 1
or text to 838255
Crisis support
Health Care for Homeless Veterans
4461 East Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 791-9050
Health services
VA Medical Center
(702) 636-3000
Health care for eligible veterans. Call for locations.
(702) 646-7800
Housing, supportive services
Key Foundation
1001 North A Street, Las Vegas
(702) 384-0202
Transitional housing, transportation, financial assistance
Las Vegas Urban League
3575 West Cheyenne Avenue, #101, Las Vegas
(702) 636-3949
Employment, job training
U.S. Vets
525 East Bonanza, Las Vegas
(702) 366-0456
Housing, supportive services
Veterans Village
(702) 222-1680
Transitional housing, supportive services
Safe Place Hotline for Youth
866-U-ARE-SAFE or  (866) 827-3723)
Or go to any CAT Buses, Terrible Herbst, LV Fire Department location
Crisis support
Street Teens 24 Hour Hotline
(702) 809-3585
Crisis support
Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth under 25 in crisis)
(866) 488-7386
Serve LGBTQ youth in crisis ages 13-24
Huntridge Teen Clinic
2100 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 732-8776
Medical and dental care
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
4981 Shirley Street, Las Vegas
(702) 383-1332
Shelter, drop-in center, transitional housing, supportive services
Shannon West Homeless Youth Center
1417 North Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 385-3776
Youth ages 16-21
Shelter, housing, supportive services
The Shade Tree
1 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (at Main)
(702) 385-0072
Serves young men ages 14-18
Serves young women ages 14 & older (with or without children)
Shelter, transitional housing
Las Vegas Urban League
2470 North Decatur Boulevard, #150, Las Vegas
(702) 473-9400
Childcare assistance
Las Vegas Urban League
6480 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas
(702) 476-3561
WIC nutrition program for families with children under age 5
Las Vegas Urban League
3320 East Flamingo Road, #52, Las Vegas
(702) 476 9561
WIC nutrition program for families with children under age 5
CARE Complex
200 Foremaster Lane, Las Vegas
M: 9a-11a, Tu: 4p-6p, W: 9a-1p
Th: 11a-1p, F: 9a-11a, Sa: 11a-1p
Grace City
1555 East Flamingo Road, Las Vegas
(702) 826-3377
Tuesday – Friday 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
480 West Bonanza, Las Vegas
(702) 382-1766
Clothing giveaways: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 11:00 am; vouchers for household items
St. Therese Center
(702) 564-4224
Serving people with HIV/AIDS
St. Timothy’s
43 West Pacific Avenue, Henderson
(702) 565-8033
Clothing available during mealtimes
Monday – Friday at 4:30 pm; Saturday at 11:30 am
Bonneville Transportation Center (BTC)
101 East Bonneville Avenue
(702) 228-7433
CARE Complex
200 Foremaster Lane, Las Vegas
M: 9a-11a, Tu: 4p-6p, W: 9a-1p
Th: 11a-1p, F: 9a-11a, Sa: 11a-1p
Greyhound Bus Depot
200 South Main Street, Las Vegas
(702) 384-9561
(844) 879-7341
For medical appointments only, for Medicaid members
RTC Paratransit
(702) 228-4800
For disabled only
The Safe Place Program
(866) 827-3723
For youth under the age of 18
Free transportation to a youth access through any CAT Buses, Terrible Herbst, LV Fire Department location
HOPE Medical Clinic
992 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas
(702) 952-9564
HOPE Dental Clinic
970 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas
(702) 952-9559
Hope Christian Health Center
(702) 644-4673
Las Vegas Urban League
3575 West Cheyenne Avenue, #101, Las Vegas
(702) 636-3949
Nevada Health Centers
47 West Owens Avenue, Las Vegas (at Salvation Army)
(800) 787-2568
Nevada Health Centers
1799 Mount Mariah Drive, Las Vegas (at MLK)
(800) 787-2568
Nevada Health Centers
3900 Cambridge Street, Suite 102, Las Vegas
(800) 787-2568
Nevada Health Centers
2225 Civic Center Drive, Suite 224, North Las Vegas
(800) 787-2568
Nevada Health Centers
2212 South Eastern, Las Vegas
(800) 787-2568
Dental: (702) 597-3898
Nevada Health Centers
98 East Lake Mead Parkway, #103, Henderson
(800) 787-2568
Southern Nevada Health District
(702) 759-1000
Southern Nevada Health District – STD Clinic
(702) 759-0702
$30 exams and treatment
Southern Nevada Health District – Immunizations
(702) 759-0850
Southern Nevada Health District – Family Planning
(702) 759-0900
University Medical Center – EMERGENCY ROOM
1800 West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 383-2000
Volunteers in Medicine 
(702) 967-0530
Alcoholics Anonymous
(702) 598-1888
12 step
Narcotics Anonymous
(888) 495-3222
12 step
Bridge Counseling
1640 Alta Drive, Las Vegas
4221 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas
(702) 474-6450
Center for Behavioral Health Services
2290 McDaniel Street, Suite 1C, North Las Vegas
(702) 399-1600
Center for Behavioral Health Services
3050 East Desert Inn, #116, Las Vegas
(702) 796-0660
Center for Behavioral Health Services
3470 West Cheyenne Road, #400, North Las Vegas
(702) 636-0085
Center for Behavioral Health Services
1311 South Casino Center, Las Vegas
(702) 382-6262
Community Counseling Center
714 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas
(702) 369-8700
FirstMed Health & Wellness Centers
3343 Shadow Lane, Suite 106, Las Vegas
(702) 731-0909
HELP of Southern Nevada
1640 East Flamingo
(702) 369-4357
The Salvation Army – Adult Rehab Program
211 Judson, North Las Vegas
(702) 399-2769
Solutions Recovery
2975 South Rainbow Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 228-8520
WestCare – Community Triage Center
323 North Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 385-3330
WestCare – Community Involvement Center
323 North Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 385-3330
HELP of Southern Nevada (youth)
1417 Las Vegas Blvd N.
(702) 385-3776
Desert Hope Addiction Treatment Center
2465 E Twain Ave.
(702) 979-7653
Trac-B Exchange 
6114 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas
(702) 840-6693 Syringe Use & Disposal, STD/HIV/Hep C testing, wound care
Problem Gamblers Helpline
(800) 522-4700
Crisis support
Gamblers Anonymous
(702) 529-0202
12 step
Bridge Counseling
1640 Alta Drive, Las Vegas
4221 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas
(702) 474-6450
Nevada Council on Problem Gambling
(702) 369-9740
Information, referrals
64 North Pecos Road, Suite 1000, Henderson
(702) 900-6450
Provides treatment regardless of client ability to pay
Problem Gambling Center
2680 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 1, Las Vegas
(702) 363-3633
Provides treatment regardless of client ability to pay
Bridge Counseling
1640 Alta Drive, Las Vegas
4221 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas
(702) 474-6450
Mojave Mental Health Services
4000 East Charleston Boulevard, #130, Las Vegas
Medication clinic
Medicaid, Medicare, or HPN
Mojave Mental Health Services
4000 East Charleston Boulevard, #230, Las Vegas
(702) 968-5000
Case management
Medicaid, Medicare, or HPN
Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital
1650 Community College Drive
(702) 486-4400
Fees vary depending on income
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services – Las Vegas
(702) 486-6400
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services – Henderson
(702) 486-6700
Well Care Behavioral & Medical Clinic
5412 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas
(702) 291-7121
Clark County Detention Center
330 South Casino Center, Las Vegas
(702) 671-3900
DA Family Support Division
(702) 671-9200
For paternity and child support issues
Felon Registration
400 South Martin Luther King Boulevard, Building C, 1st Floor
(702) 828-3271
Open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada
725 East Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas
(702) 386-1070
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center
(702) 257-8150
No cost services
Nevada Legal Services
530 South 6th Street, Las Vegas
(702) 386-0404
Aging and Disability Resource Center
(702) 486-3545
Blind Center of Nevada
1001 North Bruce, Las Vegas (at Washington)
(702) 642-6000
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center
(702) 257-8150
No cost services
RTC Paratransit
(702) 228-4800
For disabled only
Aid for AIDS of Nevada
1830 e Sahara Suite #210, Las Vegas
(702) 382-2326
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
3201 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 218, Las Vegas
(702) 862-8075
1815 East Lake Mead Boulevard, Suite 113, North Las Vegas
(702) 639-8110
Southern Nevada Health District
280 South Decatur Boulevard
(702) 759-0702
HELP of Southern Nevada
1660 East Flamingo, Las Vegas
Las Vegas Urban League
3575 West Cheyenne Avenue, #101, Las Vegas
(702) 636-3949
Moapa Paiute Vocational Rehabilitation
1514 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas
(702) 371-3968
Nevada Job Connect
2827 North Las Vegas Boulevard, North Las Vegas
(702) 486-0200
Nevada Job Connect
4500 East Sunset Road, Suite 40, Henderson
(702) 486-0300
Nevada Job Connect
3405 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas
(702) 486-0100
Nevada Job Connect – Day Labor Program
1001 A Street
(702) 486-3441
Arrive at 6:00 am for day labor lottery; open until 3:00 pm
Clark County School District
(702) 855-6682
K-12 homeless
Clark County School District – Department of Adult Education
(702) 799-8650
City of Las Vegas – Family Reunification Program
(702) 229-4273
Eligible only if you have been a resident of the City of Las Vegas for more than 6 months
Clark County Social Service
(702) 455-4270
Eligible only if you have been in Clark County for less than 6 months
Clark County Social Service
(702) 455-4270
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
(702) 486-1646
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services – Welfare Investigations
(702) 486-1875
Clark County Public Guardian
(702) 455-4332
U.S. Social Security Administration
1250 South Buffalo Drive, #100, Las Vegas
(866) 614-4770