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Meeting Date: August 13, 2020

August 13, 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care Board has been called and will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 13, 2020 online via WebEx

(Password: pDbthCsJ339; Telephone at +1-408-418-9388, Access code: 969 556 115)

to consider the following:

  1. Call to Order; notice of agenda compliance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
  2. Public Comment — No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes.
  3. Approval of the Agenda for August 13, 2020; for possible action.
  4. Approval of the Minutes from the July 9, 2020 meeting; for possible action.
  5. Update by co-chairs on recent activities of the Steering Committee; for possible action.
  6. Update by the Data and Systems Improvement Working Group on the 2020 Southern Nevada Homeless Census; for possible action.
  7. Presentation by HomeBase on the debrief of the scoring for the 2019 Continuum of Care competition; for possible action.
  8. Presentation introducing Young Adults in Charge; for possible action.
  9. Update on local response to and recovery from Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19), for possible action.
  10. Discussion on focusing working group efforts towards COVID-19 responses efforts; for possible action.
  11. Questions and answers regarding reports from the Board working groups (Community Engagement, Coordinated Entry, Data & Systems Improvement, Evaluation, Monitoring, Planning, Youth)—Continuum of Care and Board members may ask questions related to Working Group Reports posted with the agenda. Comments made cannot be acted upon, but may be placed on a future agenda for consideration by the Board.
  12. Receive an update from board members regarding relevant activities within their respective organizations relating to homelessness—Board members and agencies may speak on any item under this section of the agenda. Members may comment on matters including, without limitation, future agenda items, upcoming meeting dates, and meeting procedures. Comments made cannot be acted upon or discussed at this meeting, but may be placed on a future agenda for consideration by the Board.
  13. Public Comment — No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes.

Please be aware of the following: items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the Board may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; the Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time; and the Board may impose a time limit for speaking on an item on the agenda where public comment or testimony is allowed.

Dated: August 6, 2020

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Operation HOME! is a community-wide effort to quickly and permanently house members of the Southern Nevada community who are in need of a home.
Our community is investing resources to get and keep tenants housed. Financial assistance, tenant case management and landlord support is available to make this happen.

Help find homes for 2,022 unhoused individuals by the end of 2022.

In Southern Nevada, we need more affordable rental units to help people in our community become financially independent and thrive. Our community needs more studio, 1 and 2 bedroom rentals as well as bigger units.

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