Family Connect Pop-Up

Clark High School 4291 Penwood Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Clark HS Flyer Nov 20 2024

HMIS Statewide Refresher Training

The next Statewide Refresher Training will be held on Thursday, November 21 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. We will be continuing our discussions on Federal Reporting.

Pop-Up Project Homeless Connect

Clark County Library 1401 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Resources are free & open to the public: Housing Assessments and shelter referrals, ID & Birth Certificate for people experiencing homelessness, Medical Insurance, veteran services and more.

Event Series Youth Working Group Meeting

Youth Working Group Meeting

Youth Working Group Meeting gathers monthly on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 9:00am - 11:00am. Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 889 2517 5926 Passcode: 012312 --- One tap mobile +12532158782,,88925175926# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,88925175926# US (Houston) --- Dial by your location […]

Event Series HPS Leadership Meeting

HPS Leadership Meeting

HPS Leadership meeting will meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 9:00am - 10:00am. Please note if anything urgent arises we can have an interim meeting.   ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft […]

Event Series Frontline Learning Collaborative

Frontline Learning Collaborative

Clark County Government Center Commission Chambers 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, Nevada

For the month of December, we have Adrienne Babbitt with the Las Vegas HUD Field Office. This learning collaborative is for frontline staff and people frequently engaging with those experiencing […]

31st Annual Homeless Candlelight Vigil

Behind the Stratosphere 227 W. St Louis Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The vigil will feature a candlelight ceremony to honor the lives lost, live music, speakers, vendor booths offering valuable resources, delicious food, and we will be distributing survival kits to […]

Southern Nevada Coordinated Entry Training

Only assessors with HMIS access from designated assessing agencies can participate in this training.  Once they complete the training, Bitfocus staff will immediately give them CE capabilities.

Operation HOME! is a community-wide effort to quickly and permanently house members of the Southern Nevada community who are in need of a home.
Our community is investing resources to get and keep tenants housed. Financial assistance, tenant case management and landlord support is available to make this happen.

Help find homes for 2,022 unhoused individuals by the end of 2022.

In Southern Nevada, we need more affordable rental units to help people in our community become financially independent and thrive. Our community needs more studio, 1 and 2 bedroom rentals as well as bigger units.

Learn More about becoming a property partner

Additional Resources

Housing Models Needed

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