Working Groups

Southern Nevada has a long history of creating a regional collaborative to address homeless issues while respecting the individual stakeholders and political entities. The Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care’s (SNH CoC) foundation stems from the regional framework established by the SNRPC in 2003. Since our formation, we have incorporated the rules and regulations established through the HEARTH ACT and the Continuum of Care program in 2009. Through our collective impact and diverse SNH CoC Board, we strategically deliver homeless services and work to create a healthy system of care in our community.

The Evaluation Working Group is responsible for determining funding priorities, overseeing the collaborative application process and leading efforts as it relates to RFPs as well as evaluations associated with homeless efforts and ESG coordination.

Champion: Stacy DiNicola
Phone: (702) 267-2031

Meets monthly on the 2nd Monday from 9:30-10:30am.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Read the EWG Governance here

The EWG is tasked with:

  • Determining CoC Priorities
  • Collaborative Application process
  •  Collaborative Applicant
  • Other Homeless RFP’s and applications for other funding sources that can be used to
  • Support homeless services throughout entire CoC
  • ESG Coordination

The Data and Systems Improvement Working Group reviews all data, including homeless related and other community indicators, that will assist the CoC in making data informed recommendations and decisions. The DSIWG is responsible to communicate findings and recommendations to the relevant working groups and the SNH CoC Board.

Chair: Lauren Boitel

Phone: (702) 460-4074

Meets monthly on the 1st Monday from 8:30-10:30 am.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule. 

Read the DSIWG Governance here 

Subgroups: HMIS & Census Planning Group

DSIWG is tasked with:

  • Evaluate the unmet need calculation formula
  • Review and analyze the annual homeless census and survey data
  • Ensure the annual point in time is conducted in accordance with HUD guidelines and that results are analyzed and reported
  • Develop recommendations for local priorities
  • Collaborate across other working groups and share information for effective implementation and strategies as well as open and inclusive opportunities for CoC members to participate and be actively involved – work closely with Evaluation and Monitoring Working Group
  • Ensure compliance with the HEARTH Act on data requirements
HMIS Working Group is responsible for ensuring HMIS compliance, overseeing operations, and reporting.

Chair: Catherine Huang Hara
Phone: (702) 283-7006

Meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday from 1:00-2:30 pm via WebEx.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule. 

The Census Planning Working Group plans the annual homeless census. The Census Planning Working Group is responsible for organizing and executing the many activities that occur annually during the last week in January for the Homeless Census in the Southern Nevada region.

Lead: Mary Duff 

Meets monthly on the 3rd Monday from 8:30-10:00 am.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule. 

The Youth Working Group provides oversight and implementation of systemic change for homeless youth service provision.

Champion: Arash Ghafoori
Phone: (702) 883-8585
Email: SNVYWG Nevada

Meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday from 9:00-11:00 am.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule. 

Read the YWG Polices and Procedures here

Subgroups: Young Adults in Charge

The YWG is tasked with:

  • Coordination of strategic planning to address Youth homelessness
  • Policy and Procedure development
  • Youth system coordination
  • Assessment Evaluation

Young Adults in Charge is the SNH CoC’s Youth Action Board . Created in 2017, the mission is “to eradicate youth homelessness by empowering youth voice via advocacy.” YAC is comprised of youth 16 to 24 years of age.  The vision of this group is that, “Youth experiencing homelessness have opportunities to become self-sufficient, be heard, and positively contribute to society.” YAC informs on community issues that impact youth.

Lead: TBD

Meeting schedule varies. 

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

The Monitoring Working Group oversees performance measures (e.g. monitoring the queue in relation to coordinated intake; and impact of outreach efforts), annual compliance, and capacity assessment.


Chair: Jaini Christison
Phone: (702) 633-2764

Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday from 1:30-3:00 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendarfor the most up to date meeting schedule.

Read the MWG Governance here 

The MWG is tasked with:

  • Performance measures
  • Annual compliance
  • Capacity assessment

The Planning Working Group is charged with leading efforts as it relates to system coordination, consolidated plan, discharge planning, governance structure updates, alignment and capacity building.

Champion: Maurice Cloutier
Phone: (702) 831-0511

Meets monthly on the 1st Thursday from 3:00-4:00 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Subgroups: Trust Fund Ad Hoc Group, Governance Ad Hoc Group and Housing Working Group

PWG is tasked with:

  • System coordination (may include locally defined priority sub-populations such as youth, senior, veterans, etc.)
  • Annual gaps analysis
  • Consolidated plan
  • Discharge planning
  • Governance charter updates
  • Alignment and capacity building
  • Develop a community plan

The Trust Fund Ad Hoc Group serves to fund housing and support services for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in Clark County.

Chair: TBD

Meeting schedule varies.

The Governance Ad Hoc Group is responsible for the coordination, gaps analysis, consolidated plan, discharge planning, governance structure updates, alignment and capacity building.

Champion: Kathi Thomas-Gibson
Phone: (702) 229-1836

Meetings are scheduled as needed; usually in the fall.

Currently operating as the Operation Home! Landlord Engagement and Unit Acquisition Team. This group is responsible for providing alternatives and identifying initiatives for affordable housing and housing solutions that support homeless services.

Chair: Christine Hess
Phone: (775) 571-3412

Meeting schedule varies.

The Community Engagement Working Group leads coordination of messaging to all media outlets, inventory of community partners, public services announcements, educational materials and website content.

Champion: Catrina Grigsby-Thedford
Phone: (702) 265-1153

Co-Chair: Amanda Lakin
Phone: (402) 321-9983

Meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month from 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Read the CEWG draft Polices and Procedures here

The CEWG is tasked with:

  • Currently operating as Operation Home! Communications Team
  • Coordinated messaging and media (including social media and any other media outlets)
  • Outreach
  • Inventory of community partners
  • Public service announcements;
  • Educational materials
  • Website content

The Coordinated Entry System Working Group oversees the planning and implementation of Coordinated Entry in Southern Nevada, as well as providing updates to the SNH CoC. This group is responsible for the implementation and on-going administration, development and continuous coordinated entry system improvement through system review, analysis, monitoring, and evaluation, and review of grievances for the coordinated entry system that are not resolved at the provider level.

Champion: Celeste Williams


Meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Read the CES Governance here 

Subgroups: Coordinated Entry Task Force, Coordinated Outreach Working Group, Housing Problem-Solving Task Group and Moving On Initiative

CES is tasked with:

  • System administration
  • System-level matching
  • System-level provider concerns
  • Policy and Procedure development
  • Oversight of access points
  • Assessment evaluation

 The Coordinated Entry Task Force is responsible for case-conferencing related to matching of different sub-populations to housing/services.

Chair: Renata Haley
Phone: 702-455-7236

Co Chair:  Mindy Torres

Phone:  702-673-6903



Meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 1:00-3:00pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

The Coordinated Outreach Working Group is tasked with coordinated outreach efforts and locating highly vulnerable homeless households through interagency collaborations.

Chair: Catherine Huang Hara
Phone: (702) 455-5623

Meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday from 1:00-2:30 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

The Housing Problem-Solving Task Group is charged with with system-wide implementation of Housing Problem Solving. This housing strategy is a person-centered, housing-focused approach to explore creative, safe, and cost-effective solutions to quickly resolve a housing crisis.  

Co-Chair: Kristy Manning


Front Line Learning Collaborative Meetings are biweekly on the Thursday from  8:00am- 9:00 am.

Leadership Learning Collaborative Meetings are monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 9:00am – 10:00am.

As a strategy to address the community queue as well as empowering clients that are ready to move on from supportive housing, Moving On promotes high levels of independence and tenant choice while freeing up space in permanent supportive housing programs for highly vulnerable people on the community queue.

Co-Chair: Brenda Herbstman

Co-Chair: Jason Schwartz
Phone: (702) 968-5058

Meets monthly on the 1st Monday from 1:30-2:30 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

The Emergency Shelter Leadership Council works to create and maintain a collaborative and support system where shelters work with one another as well as represent the emergency shelter system when communicating ideas, issues and/or solutions to funders, partners, clients and citizens.

Chair: Albert Chavez
Phone: (702) 215-4706

Meeting schedule varies.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Rapid Rehousing (RRH) providers convene together to discuss the integration of the progressive engagement model. The goal of this group is to utilize progressive engagement strategies and ultimately maximize the number of households being served.  This learning collaborative dialogues around the implementation gaps and successes in order to learn and adjust together.

Chair: TBD

Frontline RRH Learning Collaborative meets monthly on the 1st Tuesday from 10:30-12:00 pm.

Leadership RRH Learning Collaborative meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday from 10:30-12:00 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

RRH Learning Collaborative is tasked with:

  • Creating an active peer learning space to problem-solve RRH challenges in real-time
  • Empower RRH providers to test, reflect and adjust their approaches individually and collectively

This Leadership Team is responsible for connecting the Operation Home! initiative to a variety of funding resources, establishment of clear goals and objectives and tracking the outcomes. This team works to expand and support the partners of this initiative through innovative solutions.

Lead: Michele Fuller-Hallauer
Phone: (720) 279-9732

Meets monthly on the (TBD) Thursday from 11:00 -12:00 pm.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Operation Home! is a local, community-wide initiative with a goal of housing 2,022 individuals by the end of 2022. The team supports this fast-paced project through the coordination of housing necessities, including furniture and other items, from start to finish.

Chair: Katie Peterson
Phone: (303)552-8396

Meeting schedule varies.

Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings have moved to virtual formats. Please check the Community Calendar for the most up to date meeting schedule.

Working Groups are established to address mandates and/or topics of critical importance to the SNH CoC and specifically referenced in the HEARTH Act. Working Groups are on-going in nature and made up of SNH CoC Board members, staff from local jurisdictions and CoC members representing sub-populations.

Operation HOME! is a community-wide effort to quickly and permanently house members of the Southern Nevada community who are in need of a home.
Our community is investing resources to get and keep tenants housed. Financial assistance, tenant case management and landlord support is available to make this happen.

Help find homes for 2,022 unhoused individuals by the end of 2022.

In Southern Nevada, we need more affordable rental units to help people in our community become financially independent and thrive. Our community needs more studio, 1 and 2 bedroom rentals as well as bigger units.

Learn More about becoming a property partner

Additional Resources

Housing Models Needed

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