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Funding Opportunities

2024 Southern Nevada Local HUD CoC Application


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases an annual Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the HUD Continuum of Care Homeless Funds.  The Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care (CoC) Evaluation Working Group releases  a CoC Local Application in the spring for renewal projects in preparation of the HUD local process to begin in the summer.  Information from this local application will be used to determine inclusion in the Consolidated Application to HUD for the CoC Homeless Assistance funds.

The Continuum of Care Local Application is mandatory for anyone who wishes to participate in this year’s Southern Nevada Consolidated Application.

Current Timeline and Important Documents (subject to change depending on information provided by HUD)

May 6: 2024: Update to Scoring and Ranking Policies and Procedures available for public comment.
These will also be discussed at the CoC Membership Meeting on May 9th at 10:00-11:30 am at United Way of Southern Nevada

May 6, 2024: Project Applications Open on ZoomGrants

May 13, 2024: updated Scoring and Ranking Policies and Procedures approved by the SNHCoC Board.

Information Session on Phase 1 of the SNHCoC Local Competition. The meeting will be on Thursday, May 16th at 1 pm PST. The goal of this session is to provide a general overview of HUD Continuum of Care funding, with topics like what types of programs and activities can typically be funded, what population(s) can be served, what to expect from the NOFO competition, and more.

  • Join virtually on Zoom, meeting ID: 824 22049748, one tap mobile +16694449171,,82422049748# US

May 31, 2024: Pre-Applications for New and Renewal Projects Applications Due at 5:00 pm

TBD: HUD Releases the 2024 CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

TBD: Local Timeline Released

TBD: Project Deliberation Day

  • Reviewer Instructions
  • Priority Ranking
  • Applicant notification of preliminary inclusion or exclusion from the priority ranking

TBD: eSNAPS Office Hour

TBD: Appeals Process (if needed) for applicants excluded from the priority ranking
TBD: Approval of Priority Ranking Recommendations by the SNHCoC Board

  • Applicant notification of confirmation of inclusion or exclusion from priority ranking

TBD: eSNAPS applications from projects due to the Collaborative Applicant
TBD: Posting of the Consolidated Application and the Priority Listing from eSNAPS by the Collaborative Applicant
TBD: Final Posting of the Consolidated Application and the Priority Listing from eSNAPS by the Collaborative Applicant
TBD: Consolidated Application Due to HUD

Operation HOME! is a community-wide effort to quickly and permanently house members of the Southern Nevada community who are in need of a home.
Our community is investing resources to get and keep tenants housed. Financial assistance, tenant case management and landlord support is available to make this happen.

Help find homes for 2,022 unhoused individuals by the end of 2022.

In Southern Nevada, we need more affordable rental units to help people in our community become financially independent and thrive. Our community needs more studio, 1 and 2 bedroom rentals as well as bigger units.

Learn More about becoming a property partner

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